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Joint US-Allied Schriever space and cyber wargames wrap up

Stephen Kuper
Joint US-Allied Schriever space and cyber wargames wrap up
Gen. John W. “Jay” Raymond, United States Space Command and Air Force Space Command commander, stands with participants of Schriever Wargame 2019. More than 350 military and civilian experts from 27 agencies around the country, as well as Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom, participated in the wargame to explore multi-domain space operations (Source US Air Force)

Australian, Canadian, New Zealand and British service personnel have joined their American counterparts in the 13th Air Force Space Command Wargames. Set in the year 2029, Schriever Wargame 2019 explored critical space and cyberspace issues in depth. 

This particular iteration of the wargame was centered on the following objectives:

  1. Inform people, processes and technologies to advance USSPACECOM’s joint/combined operational missions.
  2. Explore opportunities and challenges of national, commercial and coalition architectures to synchronise effects that protect and defend the space enterprise.
  3. Examine unity of command/effort to seamlessly integrate space operations and authorities across multiple classification and organisational levels.
  4. Advance shared understanding of responsible behaviours in the space domain and impacts on national and coalition decision-making.
  5. Investigate whole-of-government(s) and coalition options to control escalation across all domains.

The SW 19 scenario depicts a notional peer competitor seeking to achieve strategic goals by exploiting multidomain operations. It included a global scenario with the focus of effort toward the US European Command area of responsibility.

The scenario also included a full spectrum of threats across diverse, multidomain operating environments to challenge civilian and military leaders, planners and space system operators, as well as the capabilities they employ.

The SW 19 team conducted this wargame on behalf of Air Force Space Command, headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Approximately 350 military and civilian experts from more than 27 commands and agencies around the country, as well as international partners from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States participated in the wargame.

US commands and agencies who participated in Schriever Wargame 2019 include the following: Air Force Space Command, Army Space and Missile Defense Command, Naval Fleet Cyber Command, the National Reconnaissance Office, Executive Agent for Space Staff, Air Combat Command, Office of the Secretary of Defense, US Space Command, US European Command, US Strategic Command, US Special Operations Command, North American Aerospace Defense Command and US Northern Command, the Intelligence Community, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Office of Homeland Security, Department of Transportation, Department of State and Department of Commerce.

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