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Physics, engineering and tech drives ANU research recognition

Stephen Kuper
Physics, engineering and tech drives ANU research recognition

The Australian National University (ANU) has been recognised for outstanding results in the Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) 2018 assessment driven by STEM fields.

The ERA 2018 assessment, conducted by the Australian Research Council, has recognised the ANU for outstanding research results.  

In the rigorous and academically led ERA exercise, which is run every three years, ANU was assessed as having the highest possible rating – “well above world standard” – in 15 broad fields of research out of 21 assessed.

ANU Vice-Chancellor Professor Brian Schmidt AC said, “I am delighted for ANU and proud of my many colleagues across the HASS and STEM disciplines whose great work has been recognised in ERA 2018.”


The university received the highest possible rating in the following broad “two-digit” fields of research:

  • mathematical sciences
  • physical sciences
  • chemical sciences
  • Earth sciences
  • engineering
  • technology

“We aim to be excellent in everything we do. I am proud that in 68 of the 71 areas we were assessed in, or 96 per cent of our research outputs, we have been rated above world standard,” Professor Smith said. 

A total of 15 top ratings out of 21 broad disciplines assessed improves on the university’s performance from the 2015 ERA outcomes, when 11 top ratings were awarded.

In the four-digit fields of research, which cover narrow sub-disciplines, ANU recorded an extraordinary 47 top ratings out of 71 assessed, up from 38 in 2015. In addition, a further 21 sub-disciplines were given the rating of “above world standard”, while three were “at world standard”. No sub-disciplines were rated below this level.


ANU has an intensive and illustrious research history in science, engineering and technology. Scientists at ANU use their skills to contribute to advancing science for the future in many broad fields.

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