  • Days
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Main Stage

8:00am - 9:00am

Registration and exhibition open

9:00am - 9:10am

Welcome remarks from the Master of Ceremonies

Professor Alan Duffy
speaker flag
Pro Vice-Chancellor of Flagship Initiatives
Swinburne University of Technology
9:10am - 9:15am

Welcome Address - Space Centre Australia

James Palmer
James Palmer
speaker flag
Founder and CEO
Space Centre Australia
9:15am - 9:30am

Welcome Address with Australian Space Agency

Enrico Palermo
speaker flag
Head of Australian Space Agency
Australian Space Agency
9:30pm - 9:35pm

Session to be announced

9:35pm - 9:40pm

Session to be announced

9:40am - 10:05am

Opening Keynote

Hon. Scott Morrison
speaker flag
Non-Executive Group Chairman
Space Centre Australia, and Former Prime Minister of Australia
10:05am - 10:35am

Morning tea

8:30am - 9:30am

Registration and exhibition open – breakfast/networking

9:30am - 9:35am

Day 2 welcome remarks from the Master of Ceremonies

Professor Alan Duffy
speaker flag
Pro Vice-Chancellor of Flagship Initiatives
Swinburne University of Technology
9:35am - 10:05am

Session to be announced

10:05am - 10:35am

Session to be announced

James Palmer
James Palmer
speaker flag
Founder and CEO
Space Centre Australia
10:35am - 11:05am

Morning tea

Defence Space

Defence, government affairs and cross-border co-operation

10:35am - 11:10am


Dispersed, resilient and refocused: The future of military SATCOM systems

The defence industry has responded emphatically to market-driven advancements in SATCOM technology. While securing sovereign SATCOM capabilities remains a strategic priority for our nation, the industry has unwound its reliance on GEO-based SATCOM systems to reflect a security arena increasingly defined by multi-orbit capabilities.

By uniting defence leaders with established and emerging industry players, this session will aim to set the foundations for a collaborative, resilient and responsive national SATCOM strategy.

Our panellists will:

  • Discuss the future of JP9102 in the context of evolving SATCOM priorities.
  • Consider how deepening public and private collaboration in SATCOM infrastructure will build resilience and spur innovation.
  • Ask how SATCOM can adapt to a rapidly changing threat landscape, and unpack the role of industry in developing protective technology.
  • Unveil perspectives on future-proofing SATCOM capabilities through technological innovation.

11:15am - 11:50am


International partnerships in defence: Building autonomy

To recognise its potential as a sovereign space power, Australia must play an increasingly active role in global defence space partnerships. By continuing to deepen partnerships with the United States Air Force, the United States Space Force, the NATO Space Centre, and our allied partners, Australia can enshrine its role as a strategic ally while continuing to pave the way for its own space ambitions.

In this session, we will consider how strengthening defence partnerships will help Australia establish greater agency in the space arena.

Our panellists will:

  • Explore Australia’s evolving role in the context of allied space objectives.
  • Confront geopolitical challenges to cross-border defence space collaboration.
  • Share strategies for cultivating trust, strengthening inter-agency ties, and ensuring long-term collaboration in defence operations.
  • Showcase opportunities to leverage foreign expertise and technology to accelerate Australia’s space sovereignty.

11:55am - 12:30pm


Is Australia winning the race to hypersonic technology?

For over a decade, global powers have engaged in a hypersonic arms race. Now, ripples of investment and research have swelled into a tidal effort to develop hypersonic technology, and Australia is at the heart of this shift in global security.

In this session, we will consider the deep implications of hypersonics for the defence and space domains, as well as the broader implications of this technology.

Our panellists will:

  • Delve into the race for technological supremacy in hypersonics, exploring Australia’s contributions to propulsion systems, advanced materials, and targeting and detection capabilities.
  • Explore strategic defence partnerships with the US and allies critical to hypersonic research and development.
  • Address the profound security implications of hypersonic weapon systems, with particular attention on the disproportionate advancement of hypersonic countermeasures.
  • Explore the transformative potential of hypersonics in both the near and long term, covering challenges, advancements, and the possibilities they present.

Dr Malcolm Davis
Dr Malcolm Davis
speaker flag
Senior Analyst in Defence Strategy and Capability
The Australian Strategic Policy Institute, Canberra

12:30pm - 12:40pm

Session to be announced

12:40pm - 1:45pm

Lunch and networking

1:45pm - 2:20pm

Session to be announced

2:25pm - 2:35pm

Session to be announced

2:40pm - 3:15pm


The stars align: How AUKUS is redefining Australia’s role in space

The AUKUS alliance is an essential pillar of Australia’s space and security matrix. From the transfer of nuclear-powered submarine technology through to developing new deep space radars, the landmark security alliance promises to redefine our nation’s role as a security partner not just in the Indo-Pacific, but also in outer space.

This session is dedicated to exploring how the AUKUS alliance is strengthening Australia’s security posture and opening new avenues for collaboration in advanced technologies, intelligence sharing, and space capabilities.

Our panellists will:

  • Consider how the anticipated transfer of nuclear-powered submarine technology will influence Australia’s security posture in the Indo-Pacific.
  • Unpack the AUKUS alliance in the context of Australia’s evolving role in space.
  • Discuss the alliance’s effect specifically on Australia’s space capabilities, from situational awareness to communications infrastructure.
  • Address the challenges and opportunities that AUKUS brings to Australian industry.

Gary Hale
Gary Hale
speaker flag
National Resilience and Security Program Office, Curtin University
Hon. Scott Morrison
speaker flag
Non-Executive Group Chairman
Space Centre Australia, and Former Prime Minister of Australia

3:20pm - 3:55pm

Session to be announced

Commercial Space

Diversity, skills, ethics and beyond

10:35am - 11:10am


Has the sector made enough progress in increasing diversity?

The space sector has the potential to become one of the nation’s most transformative, influential, and future-focused industries. However, attracting and empowering a more diverse and inclusive workforce is essential if the sector is to reach its full potential.

This session will confront the systematic underrepresentation of women in the sector, before exploring how diversity of race, gender, and thought will fuel innovation and build resilience.

Our panellists will:

  • Reflect on findings from the Diversity Council of Australia’s space survey on women’s participation in the space and defence industries.
  • Examine local barriers to entry and progression for underrepresented groups within the Australian space workforce.
  • Reveal strategies for adopting more inclusive hiring practices and leadership pathways in Australia’s space sector.
  • Discuss the benefits that diverse voices bring to Australian space research and technology development.

Katie Mouser
speaker flag
Senior Strategic Partnerships Officer – International, Australian Space Agency & Inaugural Committee Member
Australian Space Diversity Alliance
Jacqui Tyack
speaker flag
Director, The Write Space. Co-founder
Australian Space Diversity Alliance
Deborah Travers-Wolf
speaker flag
CEO & Founder.
LEAD Consulting

11:15am - 11:50am


Room to grow: Scaling Australia’s space sector

Australia’s space sector is poised for significant growth, with heightened reliance on satellites for both defence and civilian communications increasing national dependence on the sector. A strategic approach to strengthening talent pipelines, systematic education reform, and cross-industry partnerships are required to ensure this trajectory of growth is not shackled by a nascent workforce.

This session will examine the practical steps required to expand the space workforce and secure Australia’s position as a global leader in space innovation.

Our panellists will:

  • Discuss emerging workforce needs across Australia’s space sector and the skills required to sustain growth.
  • Explore cross-sector strategies for nurturing talent.
  • Address the role of government and industry in creating pathways that retain top talent within the sector.
  • Consider how an expanded space workforce can drive Australia’s broader economic growth and technological advancement goals.

Lisa Vitaris
Lisa Vitaris
speaker flag
MBA GAICD CompIEAust EngExec, Interim CEO and Director
IAC 2025 Sydney, Space Industry Association of Australia
Georgi Coddington
speaker flag
Director, ASTRA Program
Australian Youth Aerospace Assocation

11:55am - 12:30pm


The sky’s the limit: Inspiring the next generation of space professionals

There was a time when space – the last frontier – captured our collective imagination and wonder. For many of us, that time was when we were children. More can be done to stoke this curiosity and to illuminate tangible career pathways for students.

In this session, we will explore the role of education, mentorship, and industry engagement in facilitating young Australians to pursue careers in space. By connecting students, educators and industry professionals, the sector can ignite a passion for space that feeds the next generation of scientists, engineers, and innovators.

Our panellists will:

  • Examine how targeted outreach and early education initiatives can spark student interest in space-related fields.
  • Share insights from successful programs that bridge students with real-world experience.
  • Discuss the importance of diversity in role models to ensure every young Australian can see a path for themselves in space.

Dr Sara Webb
Dr Sara Webb
speaker flag
Course Director Swinburne Astronomy Online and Microgravity Program Lead
Swinburne University of Technology
Keira Chrystal
speaker flag
Associate, Moonshot Space Co.; Co-President, Space Research Student Committee; Team Manager, Macquarie Orbital, Macquarie University
NSW Space Research Network and ASDA
Khushi Daga
speaker flag
Co-President, Space Research Student Committee, NSW Space Research Network ; Director, Australian Virtual Astronaut Challenge ; Host, Sydney Observatory ; X-ray Scientist

12:30pm - 12:40pm

How NASA Selects Astronauts and Builds High-Performing Teams

John Mather, NASA’s Nobel Laureate, said that 50 per cent of project costs are socially determined. NASA’s Stephen Johnson took this even further in 2008, saying: “Frequently we find that the failure effects and proximal cause are technical, but the root causes and contributing factors are social or psychological … Although the statistics have not been studied fully, my sense, from experience in the field and discussions with other experienced engineers, is that 80 to 95 per cent of failures are ultimately due to human error or miscommunication.” (2008)

In this session you will:
• Experience one of the most critical astronaut selection criteria.
• Discover how NASA pivoted the focus from process to social context with incredible results.
• Explore the leadership and team development behaviours that helped make NASA the Best Place to Work in US federal government 12 years in a row.

Paul Hawkins
Paul Hawkins
speaker flag
Chief Combobulator
Crazy Might Work

12:40pm - 1:45pm

Lunch and networking

1:45pm - 2:20pm


A new port: Attracting and transitioning seasoned professionals

The gravity of the nation’s expanding space sector is attracting experienced professionals from adjacent sectors who are eager to bring their skills to new frontiers. Attracting and transitioning second-career professionals will help alleviate immediate talent shortages while injecting new cross-sector perspectives.

In this session, we will discuss how the space sector can continue to attract and support valuable second-career workers.

Our panellists will:

  • Explore pathways for attracting experienced professionals from adjacent industries.
  • Reveal sector-specific challenges professionals face when transitioning to the space industry and how best to overcome these hurdles.
  • Consider the benefits of cross-generational collaboration to build resilience in the sector.

Dr Sarah Cannard
speaker flag
Industry Director and PM for Kanyini Mission
Nova Systems / SmartSat CRC

2:25pm - 2:35pm

Session to be announced

2:40pm - 3:15pm


Filling the void: Protecting humanity from space, and space from humanity

We live in a different strategic reality to that envisioned by the early pioneers of space governance. While the anti-nuclear precedents outlined in The Outer Space Treaty were visionary, they did not anticipate the technologies that are now enabling deep strategic interests in outer space. From advanced conventional weaponry to autonomous systems and robotics, our current international framework is falling behind the military and commercial opportunities awakened by new technologies.

In this session, we will consider how governance can keep up as humanity ventures further into space.

Our panellists will:

  • Discuss the shortcomings of existing treatises and Australia’s role in advancing international governance, with particular mention to the recent adoption of a Pact for the Future (UN Summit of the Future, September 2024).
  • Consider the long-term viability of our national governance framework, with a focus on the commercialisation of space, including resource extraction.
  • Examine how the dual-use potential of space technologies complicates regulatory efforts.

Dr. Aleksandar Deejay
speaker flag
Executive Director
Australian Centre for Space Governance (ACSG)

3:20pm - 3:55pm


Sweeping under the stars: Confronting space congestion

Our journey into the stars has informed a deeper understanding of both our planet and our impact on it. But as humanity mobilises to exist sustainably on Earth, we must also cast our eyes skywards and confront the consequences of our expansion into space.

In this session, we will examine the strategies, technologies, and policies required to protect our near-Earth space environment, positioning Australia at the forefront of global space stewardship.

Our panellists will:

  • Discuss how Australia can emerge as a leading custodian of space.
  • Examine current and emerging solutions for space debris mitigation, and assess Australia’s contributions to space situational awareness, including tracking technologies and collaborations to monitor orbital assets.
  • Explore how sustainability efforts can enhance safety and enable the long-term use of space by illuminating the environmental and operational risks posed by space debris to satellite infrastructure and future space exploration.

Defence Space

Fuelling business expansion and galactic commerce

11:05am - 11:40am


Space and defence: The potential for dual-use innovation

Australia’s space industry is growing in maturity and influence, awakening new possibilities for cross-sector collaboration. With the scope of the nation’s space ambitions set to expand and overlap with the defence industry, emerging technologies should be embraced with a dual-use mindset.

In this session, our panellists will interrogate current synergies between Australia’s space and defence sectors, before casting an eye towards future dual-use technological applications.

Our panellists will:

  • Consider how developments in the commercial space sector, particularly satellite communication systems, are having an immediate impact on the defence sector.
  • Observe security challenges around dual-use adoption, including frameworks that encourage innovation while safeguarding defence assets.
  • Grapple with the ethical considerations of technologies that can transition between civilian and defence uses.
  • Look ahead towards future applications of dual-use technologies, including space debris management, advanced propulsion systems, energy storage, and quantum computing.

Dr Joni Sytsma
Dr Joni Sytsma
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Chief Technology Officer
University of Southern Queensland iLAuNCH Program
Melissa de Zwart
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Professor Space Law and Governance
University of Adelaide

11:45am - 12:05pm

International Keynote Address

Roosevelt “Ted” Mercer, Jr. Major General, USAF (ret)
speaker flag
CEO and Executive Director
Virginia Spaceport Authority

12:10pm - 12:50pm


A shared vision of space: Securing space access through launch site collaboration

To exert influence over the space domain, Australia and its allies must secure the reliable and continuous use of space-based assets. Central to this undertaking is securing sovereign launch capabilities, a task that our nation, with its vast landscapes and strategic global positioning, is uniquely suited to. But to emerge as a true world leader in suborbital spaceflight, the nation will need to build a comprehensive ecosystem around its launch capabilities, leaning on the collaborative potential of its launch sites to realise a shared ambition for assured space access.

In this session, we will explore ongoing government, commercial, and collaborative efforts to build this ecosystem.

Our panellists will:

  • Consider how Australia’s launch sites can work together for mutual advantage, including institutional, commercial, and technological barriers to ongoing collaboration.
  • Explore how Australia’s leadership in suborbital testing is positioning the nation at the forefront of aerospace innovation, creating new economic opportunities and attracting global investment.
  • Highlight collaborations between Australian institutions and global aerospace leaders.

James Palmer
James Palmer
speaker flag
Founder and CEO
Space Centre Australia
Roosevelt “Ted” Mercer, Jr. Major General, USAF (ret)
speaker flag
CEO and Executive Director
Virginia Spaceport Authority
Dr Sandy Tirtey
Dr Sandy Tirtey
speaker flag
Senior Director
Global Launch Services
Lloyd Damp
speaker flag
Southern Launch

12:55pm - 1:05pm

Session to be announced

1:05pm - 2:05pm

Lunch and networking

2:05pm - 2:40pm


From digging deep to flying high: The aspirations of Australia’s mining sector

From asteroid mining ambitions through to lunar exploration, construction, and habitation, space resources are one of the inimitable keys that will unlock our cosmic expansion. While many of the possibilities enlivened by space resources are distant, others are within reach. And Australia, with its unrivalled ingenuity and experience in mining resources, has a longer reach than most.

In this session, we will not only consider how Australia can become a global leader in space exploration and resource extraction, but discuss how space-enabled technologies are revolutionising on-earth mining operations.

Our panellists will:

  • Cover the full spectrum of upstream and downstream activities as they relate to the future of mining to better understand where technological possibility meets economic ambition.
  • Uncover how data-driven insights from space-enabled technologies are unlocking value across the entire mining life cycle.
  • Help prioritise next steps to position the nation’s mining industry at the vanguard of space resource extraction.

2:45pm - 3:20pm


Securing supply: Developing a robust defence supply chain in Australia

The pandemic revealed that overreliance on foreign capabilities was a widely entrenched vulnerability in global supply chain networks. To meaningfully reduce exposure to geopolitical tension and international competition, Australia must ramp-up investment in local industry while continuing to integrate global expertise.

In this session, our panellists will address the pressing need for Australia to reduce foreign dependencies by shifting the balance of supply towards local capabilities.

Our panellists will:

  • Address the need to incentivise SMEs and support domestic manufacturing to reduce dependency on international supply.
  • Observe critical roadblocks on the path to developing a robust, self-reliant defence supply chain, including dependency on foreign imports for key components and advanced materials.
  • Consider how emerging technologies are streamlining procurement processes and improving supply chain flexibility.
  • Share strategies for improving transparency, accountability, and efficiency in supply in the broader context of sustainability and ethical sourcing.
  • Consider how Australia’s intelligence community can collaborate with the defence industry to anticipate and mitigate global supply chain risks.
  • Anticipate emerging threats to the defence supply chain arising from a new cyber landscape and geopolitical instability.

3:20pm - 3:20pm

Track close

Commercial Space

Transforming real-world challenges into opportunities for businesses and everyday life

11:05am - 11:40am


Next is now: Readying the nation for 2030’s earth observation satellites

Australia’s inclusion in the pioneering satellite program Landsat Next will provide the nation with invaluable data for mining exploration, monitoring of the Earth’s climate, water and environment, crop and agricultural health, and management of floods, fires and natural disasters. Beyond multispectral data, advancements in hyperspectral satellite imagery are revealing more detail about our planet than ever before. The sector must continue to hone advanced data processing and analytics capabilities, as well as enhance key infrastructure, to effectively leverage these new and emerging capabilities. This session is concerned with how the nation will process, validate, and disseminate the deluge of data flowing from both multispectral and hyperspectral imaging. Our panellists will:

  • Discuss how the ground station capabilities in Alice Springs must change to be able to acquire, process, validate, and archive increased volumes of data.
  • Highlight collaborative efforts with international partners to advance technologies and enhance data-sharing frameworks.
  • Explore the evolving role of Australia in the global context of earth observation, including advancements in satellite technology and data analytics.

Dr Carsten Laukamp
speaker flag
Principal Research Geoscientist
CSIRO Mineral Resources

11:45am - 12:05pm

Session to be announced

12:10pm - 12:25pm

Session to be announced

12:30pm - 1:00pm


From observation to action: Practical applications of earth observation data

Where our previous session unpacked technical preparations for Landsat Next, this panel considers key applications for the highly anticipated data once it arrives.

From climate monitoring and resource management through to novel uses in urban environments, this session will showcase practical applications of EO data and the impact of Landsat Next on key sectors of the national economy.

Our panellists will:

  • Explore how new spectrums of data flowing from Landsat Next will revolutionise existing use cases for EO data.
  • Consider how frameworks and agreements must evolve to facilitate secure access to EO data.
  • Discuss how EO data will advance agriculture and resource management, with a dual focus on efficiency and sustainability.
  • Unpack the transformative potential of EO data in climate monitoring.
  • Examine the integration of EO data in urban planning and infrastructure development.

1:05pm - 1:15pm

Session to be announced

1:15pm - 2:05pm

Lunch and networking in expo

2:05pm - 2:40pm


Artemis and the lunar Roo’ver: Setting stepping stones into deep space

It has been 55 years since Apollo first guided humanity to the Moon. Generations later, it is only fitting that his divine twin Artemis should assume the mantle and propel human-led discovery in deep space. This time around, NASA is collaborating with commercial and international partners, inviting Australia to flex its world-leading remote operations expertise by contributing “Roo’ver” the regolith collector to the Artemis program.

This session will explore how Australia’s lunar ambitions fit into a broader push to establish a permanent base on the Moon, and the implications of the Artemis program for the nation’s space sector.

Our panellists will:

  • Discuss Australia’s role in NASA’s Artemis program, including contributions of Australia’s lunar rover to support resource utilisation on the Moon.
  • Examine recent setbacks NASA and international partners have faced in achieving lunar exploration goals and how Australia can help bridge these gaps.
  • Highlight the significance of developing sustainable technologies for long-term lunar habitation and Australia’s potential contributions in robotics, resource management, and remote operation.
  • Explore how Australia’s lunar missions can serve as a stepping stone for deeper space exploration and position the nation as a leader in the global space ecosystem.

James M. Elliott, PT, PhD, FAPTA
speaker flag
The Kolling Institute

2:45pm - 3:20pm


Distant horizons: Autonomous approaches to the Red Planet

Where our previous session centred on lunar expeditions, this session casts our panellists deeper into outer space and into the domain of autonomous systems. The Artemis campaign’s ambition for space habitats and planetary exploration hinges on advanced automation and autonomous agents, disciplines that are attracting unprecedented attention and commercial investment in the space sector and beyond.

With the international space community’s eyes set on Mars, the question now is how Australia can hone its autonomous capabilities to help the global space community reach the Red Planet.

Our panellists will:

  • Break down the Moon to Mars architecture to better understand where Australia can make an immediate impact, including the role of Australia’s stations and remote sensing capabilities.
  • Examine the potential for Australian-led innovations in robotics, AI, and autonomous systems to shape future missions to Mars and the Moon.
  • Explore how global ambitions for the Red Planet are revitalising public interest in space and discuss strategies for sustaining this support.

3:20pm - 3:20pm

Track close

Main Stage

4:00pm - 4:30pm

Main stage closing keynote

4:30pm - 4:40pm

Closing remarks from MC

Professor Alan Duffy
speaker flag
Pro Vice-Chancellor of Flagship Initiatives
Swinburne University of Technology
4:40pm - 5:40pm

Post-event networking

3:35pm - 4:05pm

Closing keynote

4:05pm - 4:10pm

MC close

Professor Alan Duffy
speaker flag
Pro Vice-Chancellor of Flagship Initiatives
Swinburne University of Technology

If you're interested in speaking at the event, please contact Jack via email.

*Agenda subject to change